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Gibson Friday News

Gibson Families,

We want to thank all of the families who completed the Cohort selection survey for the Hybrid Return of our PK-3 students. All Cohort selections are considered final for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year. If you did not complete the survey, your child was assigned to Distance Learning. This assignment is also final for the remainder of the current school year.

We have granted cohort change requests from families who have made contact with either the teacher or school office prior to the end of day on February 4, 2021. We are also creating a waiting list from families who would like to change their Cohort Selections and will be filling requests as space is available. If you are interested in changing cohorts, please contact the school office to be put on the Cohort Change Request Wait List.

We have been very busy analyzing the requests from families, creating classes, and reviewing teaching assignments. At this point we know that we will have three general education classes participating in the Hybrid Model. We will have one kindergarten class, one first grade class and one second/third grade combination class.

These changes also necessitate changes in teacher assignments for our Distance Education students as well. We must follow contractual and negotiated agreements between the District and Teachers’ Union (CCEA) when making staffing decisions. Please know that we hear your desire to keep your child in the same class with the same teacher, but due to staffing restrictions we will not be able to accommodate these requests for many of our families. We will try to minimize disruption to students, but some students will be assigned to new classes/teachers.

It is important to approach these changes with a positive attitude. Our children view “normal” as what we as parents define as “normal”. If we approach these changes with a positive mindset and get our children excited about experiencing change, it will be a positive experience. We understand that this will not happen overnight and it will take a few weeks to adapt to the new classroom environment. We suggest that each day, you ask your child to tell you one good thing from the day. By focusing on the positive, the adaption to the new class will happen more quickly.

We will be sharing information with you as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we prepare to run both a Hybrid Campus and a Distance Learning Community simultaneously.

Educationally yours,

The Gibson Team

A quick reminder from our PTO:

Friday, February 5th is the last day to submit your Valentine Love Lines!! Each class will have their own video. You can send a Love Line message to anyone, in any class - including teachers! Here is an example of what the class video will look like:

Click here to submit your Love Line order:

Thanks for your support,

Gibson PTO


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