We have recently learned about a new resource for our Community. Please see the attached flyer for Free Homework Help and school supplies. In addition we have included a resource list if your family is in need of technology support.
Next week is the National Week of Respect. Our teachers will be sharing lessons as part of our social studies instruction during the week. We will also be having daily Spirit Days. See the attached flyer for more information.
Parent, Student Teacher Academic Planning Time Conferences are scheduled for October 14th. Students will not attend live classes on this day, however it is expected that students and families meet with teachers via video Meets for a conference. Teachers will be sending out Google Meet Conference Sign Ups next week.
As students become more comfortable with technology during Distance Learning, we are finding that many students are visiting non academic sites during the instructional day (You Tube, TikTok, Online Game Sites). The GoGuardian system is installed on all District devices and monitors searches, site visits, etc. made by students. Although many sites are blocked to students, attempts to visit are recorded. If concerning material is identified on a student’s device, a notification is sent to school administration. We have been calling many families to notify them of content that has been “flagged” by the GoGuardian system. We appreciate your support in monitoring and protecting your children as they explore the digital world. We have established a Progressive Discipline system in alignment with the District’s Acceptable Use Policy. A copy is attached for your reference.
Next Wednesday, October 7th we will have our School Organization Team (SOT) Meeting. Immediately following this meeting, our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meeting will occur. Please come join us to hear about the exciting virtual events we have planned.
Please see the following message from our Gibson PTO - what a fabulous, fun event…
Hey there Goldminers!
Coming up next week, the PTO will be hosting our very first Virtual Stem Project! The project will kick off our weekly fun in October, and we couldn't be more excited!
Get your launching skills ready because we will be making Candy Corn Catapults!!
Need supplies? No problem! Monday morning there will be a wagon in front of the school with individual baggies chocked full of the supplies you will need to make one catapult! There are only 50 baggies - so go grab one before they're gone! (the wagon will remain out there daily until we run out!)
Have your own supplies at home? Great - feel free to use your own materials and the attached instructions below!
But WAIT - there's more!
This project will be entered to help Gibson Elementary earn a grant for our STEM lab!! Your participation will not only be fun for everyone involved - it'll also go toward the greater cause of helping our school!! WIN - WIN!!
We'll need for you to share your videos/photos on our Facebook page (under the titled post) or email them to gibsonpto@gmail.com, so that we can share them to be entered for the grant!!
How far will you catapult your candy corn??
We can't wait to see!!